Kuzan Alisong Hemmitt
Photo means light, and graph, means to write. I like to think of Photography, combined with Fine Art, using the sun’s light and my hand, as a form of visual grammar.
Out of the darkness comes my soul, born of gravity and heat in a cosmic soup. Self illuminating and stretched beyond time I feel like a billion particles streaming thru an infinite universe, everywhere at once.
Some of my greatest moments occurred while looking out of a window gazing at the landscape, and the warm sun glowed on my face. Time would seem to stand still, making me feel at ‘one’ with my environment. It has been my personal realization that I have long to share and re-experience these special moments in my life with others. Through my lens, using Photography, and other mediums, I have found a way to communicate the beauty, the culture, and our unique environments, that extend through us all.
Art is an invitation to my-self, a doorway to the unforeseeable spirit, a room full of selves, united, ready to stoke the coals of my heart. Art is a release from my primal obsession to control fear and love, for life seems to dance between the two. Ghandi said “all things in life are insignificant”. So if I want to do something real I would attempt to contemplate life, and express myself as well as I can, until realization became meaning, and validated my existence; a mirror which smiles back sometimes, but only if you are willing to look far beyond the typical self.
As a man of mixed color I have experienced some prejudices, as well as being accepted. Kind of view it as a cultural divide that left me and my family somewhere in the middle. This center perspective allowed me a 360 degree view of things happening all around us. I also have this insight when I look through the lens, allowing me to see many things, such as stubborn racial truths. Revealing insights can be ‘enlightening’. My ultimate vision is that the human race is a big tree with many branches, all rooted to the ground, yearning for all the light it can possibly get. Art is way of finding culture and identity, and finally, my place in the world.
The fabric of light etches the surrounding existence into my eyes. Even when they are closed, my thoughts are colored with daylight, dreams and visions are stages for the stories that live through each us. Without light there would be no subject, no matter to grow on and evolve. Light is the means to which all my sense’s play a role, and get to experience.
Thousands of experiences can come from a single flower, and those experiences can become many forms of art, like a sunny pasture full of wild flowers. That is why art is a metaphor for experience; Laying in the field of flowers freshly painted, while the sun sets beyond the painting, and butterflies’ stir my passion into love, for life itself.
Kuzan A. Hemmitt

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